GIS Strategic Business Plan: Baltimore

Viable Technology Provides ROI
Baltimore County, Maryland
Baltimore County gives the public access to its GIS maps, data, and services through a fee-based program so they can create mapping products based on their own specifications.
Baltimore County gives the public access to its GIS maps, data, and services through a fee-based program so they can create mapping products based on their own specifications.

In light of rising costs for maintaining its GIS system, Baltimore County determined its need for a cost/benefit analysis. Our evaluation suggested that the county's current enterprise GIS implementation is a viable technology that provides significant return on investment and important quantitative benefits to its users. Additionally, the study shows that many business processes can further benefit from additional GIS integration. As a result, the GIS Strategic Business Plan provides a series of enterprise recommendations, prioritizing the findings with a proposed course of action.


Baltimore County, MD


  • Geospatial, Mapping and Survey
  • Planning, Consulting and Advisory
  • Technology


  • Community Facilities


  • Mid-Atlantic